Having an overall understanding of the existing digital security risk can help to design a decisive risk mitigation plan. Both small and large businesses are exposed to similar types of digital risk, which can cause serious damage to businesses unless handled carefully. The list below explains the nine types of digital risks you need to stay alert of. 1. Data risk- as you … [Read more...] about 9 Types of Digital Security Risks
5 Steps to Auto-Create Helm Charts and upload to S3 Using Jenkins
After packaging the helm charts, you need to store it in a repository so that it can be easily deployed using helm in the Kubernetes or Minikube. This post aims to show you how to set up the AWS S3 bucket as a Helm chart repository. Using the steps below you will be able to setup Helm S3 repo for both Minikube and KOPs created cluster hosted in AWS. Scenario: we will create … [Read more...] about 5 Steps to Auto-Create Helm Charts and upload to S3 Using Jenkins
3 Steps to Install Kubectl, Helm 3 and S3 Plugin in Ubuntu to Store Charts in S3 Bucket
This post aims to show you how to install Kubectl, Helm 3 and S3 plugin so that you can easily store the chart in a S3 bucket form your Ubuntu machine. Though I always use an automated approach to create and store the helm chart, I had to create a helm chart in Ubuntu in order to identify and Helm S3 plugin compatibility issue. 1. Install kubectl To install kubectl in … [Read more...] about 3 Steps to Install Kubectl, Helm 3 and S3 Plugin in Ubuntu to Store Charts in S3 Bucket
3 Steps to Install Minikube on Windows 10
Minikube helps to create the Kubernetes environment on a personal computer. This post aims to show you a few simple steps to install Minikube on Windows Machine. Before installing minikube, make sure you have installed kubectl. Step 1: Install kubectl Go to https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/#install-kubectl-on-windows and following the link under “Install … [Read more...] about 3 Steps to Install Minikube on Windows 10
How to Query AWS CloudTrail Logs with Athena
AWS CloudTrail logs all the API calls made to the AWS account. You do not require any tool to view the last 90 days of events. But if you want to view the logs older than three months you have to setup a S3 bucket to store it and then you can analyse the logs. This post aims to show you how you can use AWS Athena to view AWS logs stored in S3 bucket. … [Read more...] about How to Query AWS CloudTrail Logs with Athena
How to Run MySQL Database Anonymize Script from Linux Bash Shell
How to run mysql annoymise scripot from bash shell. To anonymize the production database for using in the test environment, you can create a simple script that can run from the Linux Bash shell with a single command. At first download a sample database: # wget https://github.com/datacharmer/test_db/archive/master.zip Next, unzip the file # unzip master.zip … [Read more...] about How to Run MySQL Database Anonymize Script from Linux Bash Shell
How to Mount Amazon EFS in EC2-CentOS Instance
With Amazon EFS(elastic file system)mounted in the EC2, you can signifincalty reudce cost of storge becaues you pay only for the storgrage used by your applications/data. EFS supports NFS In the AWS console, search for EFS and then create a volume. When you attahce a security group in the EFS, make sure it allows traffc on port 22 from the EC2 instance. Also, take note of the … [Read more...] about How to Mount Amazon EFS in EC2-CentOS Instance
How to Schedule AWS EC2 Start and stop time using Lambda and Cloudwatch
To save your AWS cloud operational cost, you can schedule EC2 instanes' start and stop time using Lambda function. When you define a lamda function, you need to setup a trigger, which specifies the event that can invoke the lambda fucntions. In this post, we will use the a specific UTC time as a trigger . For example, you want to start EC2 instances at 06:30 UTC and want to … [Read more...] about How to Schedule AWS EC2 Start and stop time using Lambda and Cloudwatch
Docker Command List with Examples in Linux
Spinning up a docker container takes a few seconds with a simple command.Once the containers is up and running you need to customize and manage it to fit for the apps and other requirements. I have put together a number of useful command with examples that a beginner will find handy. Docker MySQL container installation commands docker container run -d -p 3306:3306 --name … [Read more...] about Docker Command List with Examples in Linux
How to Install Boto3 for AWS SDK using Anaconda in Windows
Boto3 allows the python developers to create and manage AWS services such as EC2. You may need to install boto3 in your windows machine for AWS cloud based services development and automation. The easiest way to configure boto on your machine is to install anacond at first. You can download anaconda at https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/. … [Read more...] about How to Install Boto3 for AWS SDK using Anaconda in Windows
How to Setup AWS CloudFront for Externally Registered Domain Name
If you do not want to transfer your domain to Amazon DNS(Route 53) and want to use AWS CloudFront to deliver your content, you can use the instructions below to set up your content delivery network. Scenario 1: you are using an external DNS for CloudFront and do not want to create a hosted zone in Amazon route 53. For example, your domain is registered with Namecheap and you … [Read more...] about How to Setup AWS CloudFront for Externally Registered Domain Name