This post is to help you learn about five effective open-source host-based intrusion detection software.The success of a host-based intrusion detection system depends on how you set the rules to monitor your files integrity. So, while configuring you need to remember that if you do not include the directories that you want to protect, the IDS will not detect anyting and a intrusion may go undetected.
1.OSSEC (Open Source Security)
OSSEC is an open source host based intrusion detection system capable of analysing logs, checking system integrity, detecting rootkit and can generate alerts. Also, it can respond actively when work in conjunction with firewalls and TCP wrappers. OSSEC support a wide variety of logs, including UNIX, sshd, telnetd, samba, su, sudo, proftd, impad, pop3d and many more.
OSSEC can operate in two modes- Local IDS and server. When operating in local IDS mode, it only analyse the host where it is installed. The server mode monitors and analyse the logs send by the agents installed in the client machines.
You can visit to learn more about this open source host-based IDS.
- Tripwire
Tripwire detects intrusion by evaluation file integrity. After analysing the
File information such as file size cryptographic checking code, Tripwire generates a database. Next, it compares the current information with the previously generated information to detect the changes.
The success of Tripware IDS depends on preserving the integrity and confidentially of the database. In order to keep Tripware database secure, you can store the database in a read-only mode.
Download link:
- Radmind
Radmind is consists of a suite of UNIX commands that can detect file modification. In addition to file integrity check, Radmind can verse the changed file to its original state once it detects any file modification.
To learn more about Radmind commands, you can visit
- Event Monitoring Enabling Responses to Anomalous Live Disturbances (EMERALD’s eXpert-BSM)
EMERALD eXpert is an advanced host-based intrusion detection system, which is powered by a robust knowledgebase to detect illegal file manipulations, policy violation, user privileged subversion, real-time security monitoring. EMERLAND is funded by Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
For more information, visit
- AIDE (Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment)
AIDE let users to create regular expression rules that creates database of files that you want to protect against intrusion. After initialling the first database, AIDE uses this database to verify the integrity of files. The file AIDE are file type, permissions, Inode, Uid, Gid, link name, size, block count, number of links, Mtime, Ctime and Atime.
You can write custom expression support to include or exclude files and directories to monitor file integrity change.